The Superior Court of California - County of Ventura - Domestic Violence Restraining Order Information
Domestic Violence Restraining Order Information

Domestic Violence Restraining Order Information


If you are in immediate danger, please dial 911. The programs and agencies listed offer information that can help you if you are involved in a domestic violence situation.

There are different types of Restraining Orders. The type of restraining order depends on your relationship and level of familiarity with the other person from whom you are seeking an order of protection. The most common two types of restraining orders are the Domestic Violence Restraining Order and the Civil Harassment Restraining Order.

  • The type of relationship that would qualify under Domestic Violence Restraining Order (DVRO) are as follows:
    • Spouse/former spouse;
    • A person with whom you have or had a dating relationship;
    • A cohabitant or former cohabitant (requires more than a roommate situation);
    • A person with whom you have had a child;
    • Any other person related by consanguinity or affinity within the second degree;
    • There are other relationships that may qualify. Please see Family code section 6211 for a
      complete list: Family Code 6211.


For assistance with a Domestic Violence Restraining Order, the first step is to contact the Ventura County Family Justice Center. The Family Justice Center offers a variety of services. The services include, but are not limited to Emergency Assistance, Safety Services, Shelter and Housing Assistance, Civil Legal Services, Mental Health Services, Career Guidance, Financial Counseling, Education, Child Development, and Survivor Advocacy.
All Ventura County Family Justice Center services are offered free of charge.

  • If you need help or information between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, call Family Justice Center at (805) 652-7655, text at (805) 947-7981, or email
  • If you need assistance after hours, 2-1-1 Info Link Ventura County is available 24/7 via phone or at This is a free confidential service that connects people across Ventura County to the resources they need. Call, click or text 2-1-1 to be connected. If you need emergency assistance, please call 9-1-1.
  • Visit: for additional information.

In the event that the Family Justice Center is unable to assist you with your request for Domestic Violence Restraining Order, they will provide a referral slip to you to be assisted at the Family Law Self-Help Center. Please follow the below links for the Family Law Self-Help Center’s flyer which outline the ways you may receive assistance:

Family Law Self-Help Center Flyer (English)
Family Law Self-Help Center (Español)

If you are NOT seeking any assistance form the Family Law Self-Help Center and just want the forms to start your Domestic Violence Restraining Order, you may follow this link:

For additional information, please visit: Domestic Violence (California Courts website)

For Form Packet information, please click here: Request for Domestic Violence Restraining Orders


Please follow the below links for the Family Law Self-Help Center’s flyer which outline the ways you may receive assistance:

Family Law Self-Help Center Flyer (English)
Family Law Self-Help Center (Español)

If you are NOT seeking any assistance form the Family Law Self-Help Center and just want the forms to respond to a Request for Domestic Violence Restraining Order, you may follow this link: Anonymous Interview (

For additional information, please visit:

  1. How can I respond to a Request for Domestic Violence Restraining Order?: DV-120-INFO How Can I Respond to a Request for Domestic Violence Restraining Order?
  2. Domestic Violence (California Courts website)

For Form Packet information, please click here: Response to Request for Domestic Violence Restraining Orders

Self-Help Center        Centro de ayuda

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